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Justified Gets Stripped

Justified/Stripped 6/6/03: This event has a long long story to go with it so bear with me! This story starts on Thursday 6/5/03, we got word from trusty sources and we go to the hotel that they were staying at. We hung around for like 5 hours until we finally got some activity. Get this, some chick walks in that looks like Xtina. We were all like "Should we go up to her?" And then me and Lauren got up and started approaching her. As we were walking by the door to where "Xtina" was, a fat security guy put his hand out in front of me and blocked me off and as he was doing this, the real Christina walked in! I was like Holy Shit! This was the first time I was struck with a stupid stick around a celebrity! I seriously couldn't say anything! AND FOR ALL U HATERS WHO CALLED HER FAT, LET ME TELL YOU! SHE IS STILL THE TINIEST PERSON! But moving on now. We waited some more and then Christina's boyfriend (now husband) walked in! That was weird! After a while, he came back down with Xtina's dogs. He walked out and took them for a walk, when he came back, I went over to the elevators and waited to get on one, hopefully with him (so I could see what floor they were on)while we were waiting, I asked "Are the dogs friendly?" and he said "Yes" so I petted the dogs! LOL! I petted Xtina's dogs! That is hilarious! But with just my luck, 2 doors opened at the same time and I didn't want to be all psycho and get on the same one so I went for the other one, and the door closed in my face! LOL! So I tried to catch another one and I went up just so I didn't look suspicious. I came back down laughing and I was all "I just petted her dogs!". They knew I was gonna do that! But ne ways, we waited more, got kicked out of the hotel and at 11, we had to go take Lauren home. We knew Justin wasn't staying at that hotel now but then, we didn't and we thought he was staying there too and somehow got past us or if he had even come back yet from his day in the city (Denny's, LOL!). So the next day was the concert! And we were off. We knew we weren't gonna meet JRT or Xtina before so we just went to the concert at like 6. First, we met Malik from Real World 10 again. He was nice as always. Then was the main event. The concert rocked as some of you may know already (6/6/03) or as many of you are gonna find out this summer! I hope everyone who has seen the show had as much fun as we did and all of you haven't or couldn't seen it, I hope you enjoy the show or I hope you are able to catch the show on dvd later on! After the show, we cut out early so we could find the buses, and with my great driving skills, lol! J/K! We found them pulling onto the road! We followed them, got cut off many times by the piece of crap cop escorts and then by the direction the buses were travelling in, I realized that they were going to the airport! We tried getting there but we got cut off by po-po again and when we did finally get into the private part, they were already gone! DAMNIT! And that is that! But we still had Sac town and San Jose and then we had LA too! So we will meet them! (we didn't, but meeting JC in LA while searching for Justin works for me, even better!) But anyways, enjoy the pix, what we have so far at least. P.S. The pix really suck ass but it's all good!

The pic at the bottom is when everyone but me met JRT at his hotel after his Sacramento show. I had to move my car cause of cops and I missed him coming out of his bus. Lets just say it was the biggest disappointment of my life for a while. Until another Justin incident shattered my heart. But I won't get into that here.

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